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Lidar Supported Smart Zebra Crossing System
From July 2019 to July 2020, there were 146 pedestrians lost their lives in traffic accident, which contributes more than 13% of total fatalities on roads.

Source: Australian Road Deaths database as at 20-Aug-2020
Quoted from <Pedestrian and Road Safety> By Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development – Australian Government
The statistics also shows that crashes involving a pedestrian fatality peak between 6pm and 8:59pm on weekdays, and between 12am and 2:59am on weekends during night time.
The Smart Zebra Crossing System is introduced to reduce the chance of accidents by giving out the advance light or sound warning to both the drivers and pedestrian.
Smart Zebra Crossing System Architecture
The entire smart zebra crossing system includes parts: sensor system (lidar and other sensors), smart zebra indication system, communication infrastructure, self-test system, server etc.
The system architecture diagram is shown in figure above.
1.The lidar sensor will detect pedestrians and vehicles approaching the crossing area and send the information to system;
2.The system will send the signal to the smart zebra to light up indicators and signages to warn both pedestrian and drivers and reduce/avoid the chance of traffic accidents;
3.Extendibility of the system:
3.1 Traffic light control can also be integrated into the system;
3.2 In future, pedestrian detection information can also be transmitted to smart vehicles to remind the driver or reduce the speed in advance automatically.
New Clip of Smart Zebra Crossing System
Lidar Sensor for Intelligent Zebra Cross System
Leishen MX- C series 360°multi-line LiDAR is ideal for this application can acquire the information of road environment in real time, analyses the relative position relationship of all vehicles, non vehicles and pedestrians on the road in real time, judge the hazard coefficient of obstacles, and effectively carry out early warning.
Key features of MX-C16 are shown in the table in the right side.